Welcome to Building Influence With(out) Authority

This program revolves around three themes:

  1. Understanding influence and what it means for building productive relationships.

  2. Recognize your influence style and your tendencies so that you can operate at your peak.

  3. Finding new, actionable ideas to build influence with your colleagues so you can elevate everyone’s impact.

Why take an influence style assessment?

Everyone here is likely already an effective influencer. As a leader in biotech, you’re driven, hard-working, and committed to making an impact. Moreover, you probably already influence others in many domains. At the same time, to paraphrase Socrates, there is value in examining oneself. The assessment is a baseline step. Self-reflection can be a helpful tool to determine our strengths and identify blind spots to refine our influence toolkit.

Leadership begins with us

Whether you’re new to the team, or a veteran leader, I believe leadership begins with our mindset, intentions, and actions. Who we are for others creates a more prosperous, productive work environment, which helps everyone be more effective.

What are the three influence categories and the six influence styles?

What are the 3 Influence Categories and the 6 Influence Styles?

Head Dominant

Head dominant influencers lead with data and are comfortable sharing relevant facts and figures.
The two head-dominant styles are Sage (shares data, organizational knowledge) and Negotiator (builds consensus).

Heart Dominant

Heart dominant influencers lead with context and focus on meaning and connection.
The two heart-dominant styles are Storyteller (shares the journey) and Connector (builds essential relationships).

Gut Dominant

Gut dominant influencers lead with intuition and focus on serving the needs of others.
The two gut-dominant styles are Caregiver (problem solvers) and Advocate (changemakers).

What about your influence style?

Influence is personal and situational. How you influence your boss could differ from how you would affect your family. Yet, most people rely on one or two dominant styles.

Some traits will likely be more dominant for you; these are your superpowers, while some will be less natural. Regardless of your level of mastery, growth-minded people try to see everything as an opportunity to refine their skills, build new skills, and become reliably effective at building influence with others.

Want to see a 2 minute video of me explaining my Assessment? Click below.

Your Assessment

You’ll find a link to your first Building Influence Assessment in the email I sent. If you are having trouble, please email me at [email protected].

Questions to Ponder
  1. Does your influence style resonate with you?
  2. What are the positives of your dominant style(s)? 
  3. What are some growth opportunities for you?

If you have any questions or want to discuss more, please reach out anytime. 

Best regards,

Stuart Paap
Founder + CEO, InfluenceDNA

Young smiling business woman giving presentation to coworkers

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