An InfluenceDNA Exclusive Report

Biotechnology Professionals and Building Influence

Do biotech professionals have what it takes to build influence and reestablish trust in healthcare?

The Report

Unique Insights on Biotech Professionals and Building Influence in 2022

Between January 2021 and January 2022, influenceDNA participated in six skill development programs across the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. Over 200 professionals across the globe participated in the program leading to the wealth of learnings and data collected in this report.

Report Front Cover Biotech Professionals and Building Influence

Report Highlights

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of biotech & pharmaceutical professionals reported they don’t have the tools or skills to build influence with others.

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of biotech professionals report they have don’t have strong storytelling skills.*

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of respondents report they don’t have strong networking and rapport building skills.**

*Storytellers: “Communicators” who are skilled at building enthusiasm for transformative ideas.

**Connectors: “Facilitators” who are strategic about building their social capital.

Young smiling business woman giving presentation to coworkers

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